Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Singing In The Rain

What an amazing two days, in fact this week in Dubai has been fairly extraordinary.

I returned to the radio studio today. I felt fairly confident that the whether and driving conditions were certainly enough to distract listeners from George Bush's visit on Monday. And having been informed by text message not to mention the U.S. president on Tuesday's show and deciding well if that was the case I would not bother going anywhere near the radio I was sure the whether would give us plenty to talk about. And sure enough we were bombarded with updates and we were also contacted by residents whose home were now being flooded with raw sewage.

Today on our radio programme ( Dubai Eye 103.8) we were joined by Adam Ketchel, a road safety campaigner and fellow tv presenter. We discussed how best to handle to driving conditions that have been a challenge to the thousands of motorists in the UAE. I have to say I have never experienced driving in such floods ever, anywhere in the world. today returning to my home I saw a large number of vehicles that had been abandoned with the water level up to, in many cases, the windscreens of saloon cars. There were even buses stranded and abandoned.

Thank you Adam for your advice today and leaving your home at 4:45am to ensure a 9am start on the radio. It took Adam 7 hrs to get to work in yesterdays wet n wild conditions.

What were your expereinces ? I would love to hear from you. Has your home been affected by the downpours of the last two days. What about your car, were you one of the unlucky ones.

We were also joined by Paul Allen, the founder and creator of
it is a website designed to help locate lost and found pets in the UAE . Paul set the site up in October 2007 . check it out for yourself . It also helps you if you are looking to adopt a pet.

Tomorrow we will be joined by Wil Milner of and Chris Heyne for our weekend movie news.

On Sunday next week we will be talking to Stephen Marney, my former boss at City 7 tv who is now the General Manager of the Middle East Centre for Sustainable Development and we'll be catching up with the UAE's business woman of the year.

if you would like to make an appearrance on the programme and tell us your story please post a comment on this blogsite.

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